Sunday 16 February 2014


I think everything in life is art, what you do, how you dress, the way you love someone, way you talk, your smile &  your personality. What you believe in and all your dreams. The way you drink your tea, how you decorate your home or party, your grocery list, the food you make, how your writing looks and even the way you feel.

How you project not the outward but the inward significance of things, how you convince yourself to have just one more cupcake, how you cut vegetables using either a chopping board/ kitchen table or a plate, how you tie your hair up, how you comfort someone with a joke or a serious solution, how you gift someone , how you wrap your gift, how you say thank you and sorry without words, how you convey your love by the way you look at a person, how you drive with your favourite flipflops on, the way you allow someone whos honking like a retard overtake with a smile on your face, how you love listening to stupid songs on high volumes when people around pass you "your weird looks", how you gossip about a person even if he/she has lost all significance in your life even after a decade, when you talk nonsense and it makes perfect sense to some people, how you can open your heart to the world even when nobody really cares, when you keep making some beautiful things and still no one cares, how you handle the limelight , how you answer the questions for the times you failed, when you look at a happy couple and smile at them , how you keep your cool when your family is acting unreasonable around you, when you tease your friends non-chalantly about a haphazard date they once had,  the way you avoid someone's intense stare, how you try to catch someones eye, the way your perfume lingers around even after you have left,when you think you can change the world, how you actually go out and change the world a little everyday, how you crinkle up your nose when you look at me like am nuts, how your dimples appear when you give a carefree smile, the noise your laughter makes, the way you dance on your favourite song, the sideglance you give to check on me,  how you don't treat me like am ordinary, how you treat me like am special, when you try to finish some odd jobs before the microwave beeps, how you carry a piece of my heart around, the way you rub ur nose unknowingly, love how my soul follows you like a shadow, how you invite your neighbours for a cup of tea when you know they are lonely, when you hug a person who is crying, when you can dream a person in colours no one could ever imagine, how you spend the days when your heart breaks, when you put the broken pieces together and make the most magnificient picture of your heart, the way you surrender to someone, the way you look at your favourite bakery's display window, what you wish when you see a shooting star, what you do to stop the tears from overflowing when your best friend is trying to be strong,  how you give in to chocolate addictions, how you hide your chocolate from others, how you understand when I need my space, having more fun with best friends than it makes sense for them to be having, how you have two souls living in one body, saving ur favourite chocolate from an assorted box, how you can watch a dog chasing its tail for hours together and be amused, the faces you make when you find a person driving at the correct speed but slower than you annoying, the way mountains can uplift your whole being, how beaches excite you, way you plan your trips, dressing up your eyes with make-up, going over the top with make-up, ranting about your indecisiveness on whether to use peach/pink blush, how you sign language to a person across the room when someone is sleeping, how you can communicate with friends with just face expressions, sometimes just with rolling of your eyes, the colours you pick up to gift someone, smiles you pass at strangers when you notice something goofy they did unintentionally , how you pick up a person when the world has let them down, how you can make someone feel completely at ease in the first meeting, how very lonely you can make a person feel in the first meeting, when you save ticket stubs to remember a trip or movie, how you make your own set of rules for your life, trying to explain the political scenario to your maid, how you make a mental note of a cute cafĂ© to be visited, which you pass by, how you play with children, how you laugh when your parents taunt you, how you make-up for those actions for them, how stupid you are and how stupid things excite you, how many days don't make sense to you, how a day completely changes you as a person, how you make someones purpose in life your own place of soul searching, how you flip your hair when it falls in your eyes, how you know how to extract the exact expression from your pets using KEYWORDS, how you remove time from the busiest schedule to watch your favourite soap, how you sing along with advertisements, when you wonder what another person living on the other side of the planet is doing while you are star gazing, how you just hate a person for no reason just cause they once wore a hideous pair of shoes, how you make friends with your vegetable vendor and extort him to give you the best fruits & veggies, how you strike up conversation with a person in the lift based on the brand of butter they picked up..............................................

P.S. - I'll just keep adding more life to the above cause there is no real end here.
I think the best thing for a person is to be their imperfect self , keep the unadulterated rawness intact.


It's SO RARE !